Dear participants,
I am overjoyed to welcome you to the 9th edition of the Laude-Reut Model United Nations! We have worked tremendously in order to make this a once in a lifetime experience for every single delegate, from finding the most suitable topics to securing an outstanding venue.
Given that in the last two year we had to adapt to the requirements that the Covid19 pandemic posed, this year we were determined to better ourselves and give our conference a whole new identity. Regardless, this could not have been possible without all of the people who, like us, share an interest in the power of cooperation and innovation.
I would like to thank my fellow secretariat members, who have been next to me every step of the way, even when things seemed to get out of hand, the organizing team who worked so hard in order for our conference to be fine-tuned and our amazing teachers, who offered us resources, guidance and most importantly, support.
I wish you an unforgettable experience at LaudeMUN2022!
Yours truly,
Yaleen Zosmer,
Secretary General LaudeMUN2022